韩剑 1,2焦岗成 1,2,*闫磊 1,2程宏昌 1,2[ ... ]李桐桐 1,2
1 微光夜视技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710065
2 昆明物理研究所,云南 昆明 650223
数字微光器件作为新一代微光夜视装备的核心器件,相比于传统真空微光器件因具有数字化输出的优势而备受各国重视。本文综述了低照度CCD(charge-coupled devices)/CMOS(complementary metal oxide semiconductor)、科学级CMOS、像增强型CCD/CMOS、电子倍增CCD及电子轰击APS(active pixel sensor)/CCD等数字微光器件的研究现状,分析了数字微光器件的应用情况。最后,提出了微光技术和数字微光器件的发展趋势。
微光夜视技术 数字微光器件 研究进展 研究方向 low-light-level night vision technology digital low light level device research progress research direction 
2023, 44(4): 874
Author Affiliations
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter, Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Information and Quantum Optoelectronic Devices and Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical Information Technology, School of Physics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
Multimode photonic quantum memory could enhance the information processing speed in a quantum repeater-based quantum network. A large obstacle that impedes the storage of the spatial multimode in a hot atomic ensemble is atomic diffusion, which severely disturbs the structure of the retrieved light field. In this paper, we demonstrate that the elegant Ince-Gaussian (eIG) mode possesses the ability to resist such diffusion. Our experimental results show that the overall structure of the eIG modes under different parameters maintains well after microseconds of storage. In contrast, the standard IG modes under the same circumstance are disrupted and become unrecognizable. Our findings could promote the construction of quantum networks based on room-temperature atoms.
elegant Ince-Gaussian mode hot atomic ensemble antidiffusion 
Chinese Optics Letters
2023, 21(7): 072701
Yaqing Jin 1,2Ye Yang 3,4,5Huibo Hong 1,2Xiao Xiang 1,2[ ... ]Ruifang Dong 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Time and Frequency Primary Standards, National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710600, China
2 School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
4 School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
5 The 29th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Chengdu 610029, China
6 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
7 e-mail: ml@semi.ac.cn
8 e-mail: szhang@ntsc.ac.cn
With energy–time entangled biphoton sources as the optical carrier and time-correlated single-photon detection for high-speed radio frequency (RF) signal recovery, the method of quantum microwave photonics (QMWP) has presented the unprecedented potential of nonlocal RF signal encoding and efficient RF signal distilling from the dispersion interference associated with ultrashort pulse carriers. In this paper, its capability in microwave signal processing and prospective superiority are further demonstrated. Both QMWP RF phase shifting and transversal filtering functionality, which are the fundamental building blocks of microwave signal processing, are realized. Besides good immunity to the dispersion-induced frequency fading effect associated with the broadband carrier in classical MWP, a native two-dimensional parallel microwave signal processor is provided. These results well demonstrate the superiority of QMWP over classical MWP and open the door to new application fields of MWP involving encrypted processing.
Photonics Research
2023, 11(6): 1094
1 上海比亚迪有限公司,上海 201611
2 湖南省计量检测研究院,长沙 410014
3 浙江三花汽车零部件有限公司,杭州 310018
硅氧负极材料(SiOx)比容量是石墨的近4 倍,被视为最有前景全面商用的下一代锂离子电池负极材料,但首次Goulombic 效率(ICE)偏低这一问题长期困扰着SiOx 的应用。预锂化能使SiOx 的ICE 上升,提高锂离子电池系统能量密度,为SiOx 全面应用铺平道路。本综述概述了近年来SiOx 负极预锂化的应用及研究进展,按照技术特点分类介绍了预锂化技术的最新研究进展,并列举了其中的典型方案与效果,重点讨论其反应机理、面临的挑战及潜在解决方案等,还对未来预锂化技术的发展进行了展望,供后续的研究与工业化参考借鉴。
锂离子电池 硅负极 氧化亚硅 预锂化 补锂 首次Coulombic 效率 lithium-ion battery silicon anode silicon monoxide pre-lithiation Li doping initial Coulombic efficiency 
2023, 51(1): 248
王霞 1,2,*张鑫 2焦岗成 1杨晔 1[ ... ]延波 1
1 微光夜视技术重点实验室,西安 710065
2 北京理工大学 光电学院 光电成像技术与系统教育部重点实验室,北京 100081
针对微光夜视条件下增强型CMOS(ICMOS)图像信噪比低、随机噪声明显的问题,提出了一种基于双残差注意力网络的ICMOS图像去噪算法。为了制作ICMOS噪声图像数据集,采用ICMOS相机在特定照度环境下拍摄静态噪声图像序列,然后采用多帧平均的方法获得每个序列对应的无噪声真值图像;其次,为了直接从噪声图像中提取噪声分量,设计了一种结合噪声残差学习和残差网络模块的双残差网络模型,并引入通道注意力机制给模型的特征图维度赋予权重,在提升模型学习能力的同时降低了模型复杂度;最后,采用网络训练所得模型对测试图像进行去噪实验。对比实验结果表明,本文提出的算法得到的峰值信噪比较经典的BM3D算法提升了9.56 dB,结构相似度提升了0.050 3。从主观效果可以看出,本文算法可以更好地去除ICMOS图像噪声,保留图像细节,同时,具有较高的运行效率。
微光夜视 ICMOS图像 图像去噪 残差学习 注意力机制 Low-light-level night vision ICMOS sensing image Image denoising Residual learning Attention module 
2022, 51(6): 0610002
Yaqing Jin 1,2Ye Yang 3,4Huibo Hong 1,2Xiao Xiang 1,2[ ... ]Ruifang Dong 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Time and Frequency Primary Standards, National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710600, China
2 School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3 State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
4 The 29th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Chengdu 610029, China
5 School of Electronic, Electrical and Communication Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
6 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
7 e-mail: ml@semi.ac.cn
As the main branch of microwave photonics, radio-over-fiber technology provides high bandwidth, low-loss, and long-distance propagation capability, facilitating wide applications ranging from telecommunication to wireless networks. With ultrashort pulses as the optical carrier, a large capacity is further endowed. However, the wide bandwidth of ultrashort pulses results in the severe vulnerability of high-frequency radio frequency (RF) signals to fiber dispersion. With a time-energy entangled biphoton source as the optical carrier combined with the single-photon detection technique, a quantum microwave photonics method in radio-over-fiber systems is proposed and demonstrated experimentally. The results show that it not only realizes unprecedented nonlocal RF signal modulation with strong resistance to the dispersion but also provides an alternative mechanism to distill the RF signal out from the dispersion effectively. Furthermore, the spurious-free dynamic ranges of the nonlocally modulated and distilled RF signals have been significantly improved. With the ultra-weak detection and the high-speed processing advantages endowed by the low-timing-jitter single-photon detection, the quantum microwave photonics method opens new possibilities in modern communication and networks.
Photonics Research
2022, 10(7): 07001669
新疆第二医学院,克拉玛依 834000
铁电薄膜由于其优异物理性能,而被广泛应用于微电子、光电子、微机电领域。在铁电薄膜理论研究方面,热力学理论可以有效地预测铁电薄膜的相结构、极化特性和机电性能等,且已在(001)取向铁电薄膜的研究中取得了较好的应用,而对于(111)取向铁电薄膜的研究报道非常少。因此,本文通过对序参量坐标转换的方法,构建了(111)取向薄膜的热力学势能函数及其机电性能计算方法。基于此,研究了(111)取向0.7PMN-0.3PT铁电薄膜的相结构及其机电性能。研究结果表明,(111)取向0.7PMN-0.3PT铁电薄膜的相结构主要存在沿晶轴方向三个极化可互换的对称相:顺电相PE、菱方相R和单斜相MA(或MB)。在应变和外电场的调控下,(111)取向0.7PMN-0.3PT薄膜展现出优良的机电性能,在R和MA相变点处,介电常数ε11、ε22、ε33和面外压电系数d33取得了极大值。在外电场E3分别为0、50 kV/cm、100 kV/cm和200 kV/cm时,面外介电常数ε33的峰值分别为4 382、2 646、2 102和1 600,面外压电系数d33的峰值分别为303.8 pm/V、241.9 pm/V、219.7 pm/V和195.1 pm/V。应变和外电场能够较好地调控薄膜的机电耦合性能,可为优异机电耦合性能的器件制备提供参考。
铌镁钛酸铅 铁电薄膜 (111)取向 相结构 热力学理论 压电系数 介电常数 lead magnesium niobium titanate ferroelectric thin film (111)-orientation phase structure thermodynamic theory piezoelectric coefficient dielectric constant 
2022, 51(1): 112
西南大学物理科学与技术学院, 重庆 400715
提高蓝光器件的性能是钙钛矿发光器件实用化进程中亟待解决的问题。本文研究了次磷酸添加剂对混卤素二元长链胺准二维钙钛矿材料形貌、结晶性和光物理特性的影响。结果表明:次磷酸添加剂能改善钙钛矿薄膜的结晶性,促进发光相的形成,有效钝化缺陷和促进电荷传输。制备的准二维钙钛矿天蓝色发光器件的最大外量子效率为7.9%,最大亮度为7300 cd/m 2,分别约为未添加次磷酸器件的4.2倍和2.9倍,同时器件的驱动稳定性也有一定程度的提高。
光学器件 混合卤化物钙钛矿 准二维钙钛矿 次磷酸 缺陷钝化 
2021, 41(17): 1716001
1 微光夜视技术重点实验室,陕西 西安 710065
2 南京理工大学 江苏省光谱成像和智能感知重点实验室,江苏 南京 210094
3 南京工程学院 信息与通信工程学院,江苏 南京 211167
单像素成像 目标识别 深度学习 ghost imaging target recognition deep learning 
2020, 49(6): 20200010
昆明物理研究所, 云南昆明 650223
在直线压缩机的应用中, 柔性弹簧在活塞轴向周期运动中维持其径向无偏移, 它能控制压缩活塞与汽缸之间的微小间隙, 从而实现了活塞与汽缸之间无油润滑的气体间隙密封技术。本文基于对柔性弹簧及其叠装组件的有限元分析, 分析不同柔性弹簧厚度、叠装片数、叠装间距等布置方式对柔性弹簧轴向和径向刚度的影响, 特别对叠装组件的抗弯性能进行了建模分析。分析得出的结论可以用于指导柔性弹簧叠装组件的设计, 可以有效提高叠装组件在直线压缩机上的径向支撑性能。
柔性弹簧 有限元分析 空间布置方式 抗弯性能 flexure spring, component finite element analysis, 
2020, 42(2): 198

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